Professional Investors’ Memos, Sheets & Slides Offer Insight around a Base Case for an Investment’s Return
But the Frequency of Outlier Cases Drives Investors’ Portfolio Returns
Our Software Integrates Research Management & Scenario Modeling, Automating LLM Prompts to Help You Quickly Translate Your Research into Explicit Odds for Outlier Cases
That Enables Concise & Consistent Comparison of Risk & Return Across Different Investments
Our Team has the Experience to Help Yours Apply this in Real-World Investing
Co-Founder Mike Ryan and co-founder Peter Moore worked together at Goldman Sachs. Ryan became partner and Moore obtained an MBA at Stanford.
Ryan was Co-Head of Global Equities at Goldman. Moore worked at $30 billion private equity firm Apax then won National Science Foundation Grants to develop software for writing Cases Studies while managing a hedge fund with 0.06 beta and 3.3% annual alpha over 7 years.
Moore licensed that Cases Study software to the Harvard Endowment, where Ryan managed $18 billion and was a member of the Investment Committee, and the two co-managed a $1.5 billion equity long/short portfolio there.
Ryan & Moore founded Bullet Point Network (BPN) to offer other investors this Cases Study software supported by a team of analysts who have experience writing investment stories and models. To date, BPN’s team has supported other investors who have written Cases Studies on over $4B in private equity and credit investments of many kinds, from early stage venture capital, to growth equity, to mature leveraged buyouts. The team recently leveraged integration of Research Management and Scenario Modeling to automate LLM prompting, accelerating the creation of cases from research.